>>> Accidents into Incidents, MFA Thesis Exhibition, Richard & Dolly Maas Gallery, Purchase College/SUNY, March 31 - April 13, 2016

Download a pdf of current works.


She vows

To make plastic art

Redefine plastic art

To make you love plastic art

To make you bow to her craft

Redefine craft


To weave 

To weave your mind

To weave your mind into confusion

To drag you into the sacred without your consent

Weaving is the sacred, the tradition, the craft, and know-how passed from generations. It creates the cloth that protects, seduces and honors. Let it be the value, the commodity it has always been. Let how weaving functions, how it is installed within a space, how it fractures–let that be profane. 

Hundreds of intersections and textile connections come together and sing, but the tune is not a hymn. I am not looking to create a spectacle for fun or frivolity. This is crafting a new fabric in a manner that is complicated, as complicated and fragile as our contemporary moments.


Download my complete thesis, SHE VOWShere.